Image Upload Guidelines
We are here to help you promote your event. Here are some guidelines to help you present the best experience for your organization and ours.
We recommend that your event image follow a 16:9 aspect ratio, in layman’s terms that’s approximately 1200 px wide, 675 px tall.

An image saved for web should be under 1MB and should not exceed 3MB, even at the maximum size of 1920x1080. If your file size is larger than 3MB, try reducing the resolution to 72 dpi.
If you have limited visual options and need to upload an irregular sized image (i.e. square, round), we recommend that you add width to the image so it can display properly in all locations of the website. Here’s an example:

As you can see, images will automatically crop to the center of an image, so be mindful that the most important visuals are in the center.
We appreciate your attention to detail and taking the extra time to source quality imagery.